Inquest into deaths of six Britons at Algerian gas plant

Inquest into deaths of six Britons at Algerian gas plant; ENGLAND: London: Royal Courts of Justice: EXT BV Relatives of victims entering inquest Fraser Whitehead (Slater & Gordon Lawyers) interview SOT - inquest going to look at security arrangements - family relieved things are going forward Low Angle GV Royal Courts of Justice TILT DOWN Windows of court Windows seen beyond railings
Inquest into deaths of six Britons at Algerian gas plant; ENGLAND: London: Royal Courts of Justice: EXT BV Relatives of victims entering inquest Fraser Whitehead (Slater & Gordon Lawyers) interview SOT - inquest going to look at security arrangements - family relieved things are going forward Low Angle GV Royal Courts of Justice TILT DOWN Windows of court Windows seen beyond railings

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Editorial n.º:
Fecha de creación:
15 de septiembre de 2014
Fecha de subida:
Tipo de licencia:
Derechos exprés
Inf. de autorización:
No se cuenta con autorizaciones. Más información
Duración del clip:
United Kingdom
Creado el máster para:
QuickTime 8-bit Photo-JPEG SD 720x576 25i
Rodado originalmente en:
576 25i
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