Médicos y médicos Iconos de línea delgada - Trazo editable - Los iconos incluyen médicos, médicos, cirujanos, profesionales médicos, atención médica, paciente, persona, enfermedad, lesión, hospital, consultorio médico, examen médico, estetoscopi - Ilustración de stock

A set of doctors and physicians icons that include editable strokes or outlines using the EPS vector file. The icons include a doctor using a stethoscope to check the heart of a patient during a medical office visit, a physician standing next to an am ambulance to offer care, a group of medical professionals with a doctor a the forefront with his arms folded, a doctor reviewing a patients chart, medical professional checking the IV of a patient in a hospital bed, doctor holding out an apple, physician using a stethoscope to check the lungs of a patient by placing it on the patients back, doctor checking the heartbeat of an unborn baby using a stethoscope on the pregnant stomach of an expectant mother, medical professional holding a newborn baby after delivery, medical professional doing chest compressions on an unresponsive person, a doctor using a bag valve mask to provide oxygen to a person, medical professional at the side of an injured person on a medical stretcher, medical professional handing a newborn baby to it's mother in a hospital bed, dermatologist checking the skin of a patient using a medical magnifying device, doctor checking the injured ankle of a patient in a doctors office visit, physician holding up a syringe to administer, doctor asking a patient health questions during a doctors office visit as he records them on paper, a physician assisting an injured person wearing a sling, doctor assessing an injury to a patients leg by moving the leg, doctor using a blood pressure cuff to check a patients blood pressure, medical professional assisting a patient with movement and a doctor reviewing a patient x-ray by holding it up to the light.
A set of doctors and physicians icons that include editable strokes or outlines using the EPS vector file. The icons include a doctor using a stethoscope to check the heart of a patient during a medical office visit, a physician standing next to an am ambulance to offer care, a group of medical professionals with a doctor a the forefront with his arms folded, a doctor reviewing a patients chart, medical professional checking the IV of a patient in a hospital bed, doctor holding out an apple, physician using a stethoscope to check the lungs of a patient by placing it on the patients back, doctor checking the heartbeat of an unborn baby using a stethoscope on the pregnant stomach of an expectant mother, medical professional holding a newborn baby after delivery, medical professional doing chest compressions on an unresponsive person, a doctor using a bag valve mask to provide oxygen to a person, medical professional at the side of an injured person on a medical stretcher, medical professional handing a newborn baby to it's mother in a hospital bed, dermatologist checking the skin of a patient using a medical magnifying device, doctor checking the injured ankle of a patient in a doctors office visit, physician holding up a syringe to administer, doctor asking a patient health questions during a doctors office visit as he records them on paper, a physician assisting an injured person wearing a sling, doctor assessing an injury to a patients leg by moving the leg, doctor using a blood pressure cuff to check a patients blood pressure, medical professional assisting a patient with movement and a doctor reviewing a patient x-ray by holding it up to the light.
Médicos y médicos Iconos de línea delgada - Trazo editable - Los iconos incluyen médicos, médicos, cirujanos, profesionales médicos, atención médica, paciente, persona, enfermedad, lesión, hospital, consultorio médico, examen médico, estetoscopi
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385,00 €
Getty ImagesMdicos Y Mdicos Iconos De Lnea Delgada Trazo Editable Los Iconos Incluyen Mdicos Mdicos Cirujanos Profesionales Mdicos Atencin Mdica Paciente Persona Enfermedad Lesin Hospital Consultorio Mdico Examen Mdico Estetoscopi, Foto de stockMdicos Y Mdicos Iconos De Lnea Delgada Trazo Editable Los Iconos Incluyen Mdicos Mdicos Cirujanos Profesionales Mdicos Atencin Mdica Paciente Persona Enfermedad Lesin Hospital Consultorio Mdico Examen Mdico Estetoscopi, Foto de stockDescarga ilustraciones de stock de Médicos y médicos Iconos de línea delgada - Trazo editable - Los iconos incluyen médicos, médicos, cirujanos, profesionales médicos, atención médica, paciente, persona, enfermedad, lesión, hospital, consultorio médico, examen médico, estetoscopi auténticas y de calidad premium de Getty Images. Explora ilustraciones de stock de alta resolución similares en nuestro extenso catálogo visual.Product #:1449629932
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