Nazi Era, Decree supplementing the law for the restoration of a professional civil service.

Nazi Era, Decree supplementing the law for the restoration of a professional civil service; April 11, 1933. 'A non-Aryan is a person who is the descendant of non-Aryans, particularly Jewish parents, or grandparents, even if one parent or grandparent is non-Aryan. This is presumed especially if one parent or grandparent is of the Jewish faith.' Civil servants who entered the Service after August I, 1914, must submit documents to prove their 'Aryan' descent, their status as 'front fighters,, or as sons or fathers of persons killed during the war 1914-18. If. 'Aryan' descent, is doubtful, an opinion must be obtained from an 'expert on racial research.'. (Photo by: Universal History Archive/Universal Images Group via Getty Images)
Nazi Era, Decree supplementing the law for the restoration of a professional civil service; April 11, 1933. 'A non-Aryan is a person who is the descendant of non-Aryans, particularly Jewish parents, or grandparents, even if one parent or grandparent is non-Aryan. This is presumed especially if one parent or grandparent is of the Jewish faith.' Civil servants who entered the Service after August I, 1914, must submit documents to prove their 'Aryan' descent, their status as 'front fighters,, or as sons or fathers of persons killed during the war 1914-18. If. 'Aryan' descent, is doubtful, an opinion must be obtained from an 'expert on racial research.'. (Photo by: Universal History Archive/Universal Images Group via Getty Images)
Nazi Era, Decree supplementing the law for the restoration of a professional civil service.
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Editorial n.º:
Universal Images Group
Fecha de creación:
10 de abril de 1933
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Universal Images Group Editorial
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4817 x 4354 px (40,78 x 36,86 cm) - 300 dpi - 7 MB